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Electrical Services


Repair and Maintenance

At Khan Builders, we offer a wide range of electrical services for all your needs. Whether it's repairing malfunctioning electrical systems, maintaining your electrical equipment, or upgrading your electrical systems, we have you covered.



Our team of experts has years of experience in rewiring homes and businesses, ensuring safety and functionality. We use the latest tools and techniques to get the job done right the first time.


Electrical Installations

We specialize in all types of electrical installations, from lighting to security systems. Our team of licensed professionals will ensure that your installation is done safely and efficiently.


Emergency Services

We understand that electrical emergencies can happen at any time, which is why we offer 24/7 emergency services. Our team is always ready to respond to your emergency needs.


Upgrades and Renovations

If you're looking to upgrade or renovate your electrical systems, we can help. Our team will work with you to ensure that your electrical systems meet your needs and comply with all safety regulations.


Inspections and Testing

We offer comprehensive electrical inspections and testing services for homes and businesses, ensuring that your electrical systems are safe and up to code.

Need electrical services? Give us a call now!
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